Once again a developer is requesting a very detrimental zoning variance in North Tustin, increasing the profitability of the proposed developer at the expense of the surrounding community.
Zoning Matters. The proposed housing development is along Newport Ave in Cowan Heights, north of the bridge overpass and south of Skylark. The vast majority of Cowan Heights residents are opposed to the development. A principle reason is that the area is zoned for a minimum of 20,000 sf (approximately 1/2 acre). The proposed lots range from about 1/5 to 1/4 acre, much less than the current zoning law. This reason can resonate with all North Tustin residents. A very desirable attribute for residing in North Tustin is the ability to have a residence with a large lot. Large properties are much more available in North Tustin than in neighboring communities. If developers can rezone to double current zoning density, this very desirable attribute is lost and cannot be recovered. We all will suffer by letting developers downgrade zoning laws.
The requested variance would create the smallest lot sizes ever permitted in Cowan Heights, and the creation of a planned development that is not in keeping with the existing zoning and character of the community. We believe this proposed development would make North Tustin a less desirable place to live and lower property values.
Oppose this downgrading of North Tustin by signing the following petition. You will receive a copy by email.
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Text of Petition to be sent by email:
Subject: Petition Opposing Sheldon Development Project
I am opposed to the project proposed by developer Steve Sheldon along Newport Avenue. The proposed density is double the currently permissible density. This negatively impacts the surrounding community, and a permissive attitude toward developer-driven zoning downgrades our community. Reducing the availability of larger lots, a very desirable attribute of North Tustin, negatively affects all of the residents of North Tustin.