FCA membership expires (except for lifetime members) on December 31 of each year.

You can join FCA or renew your membership by postal mail or by using a credit card or PayPal. If you are unsure of your membership status you can send an inquiry to Standard membership is $25 per calendar year for each household ($20 for seniors, age 65 and up). The first year is free for new members. Membership contributions provided after September 1 will be credited for the current and following year.

1. The button to the right or below is a free membership for new members only.

2. The button to the right or below is a mail-in form that can be used by both new and renewing members. Depending on your browser, the file may display or download to your download directory.

3. The PayPal button to the right or below can be used with either a credit card or PayPal. This online payment is for renewing members only. Enter the amount to donate, optionally select “Make this a monthly donation”, and click on donation method.

Payment amounts: $20 Seniors; $25 Basic Membership; $50 or more North Tustin Leadership Council; or $300 for Life Time Membership

Please consider making a monthly contribution. A little each month adds up at the end of the year.